Saturday, June 17, 2006

boxes... Boxes ...BOXES!

Yes folks, the heading means that yesterday the removalist dropped in all my boxes for packing... there are a lot of them. Today will be the day I start packing with a vengeance. The study is first on the list (but of course I will need to clear away all the debris from my desk... pieces of paper scribbled with random notes about Abraham and Sarah's visit to Egypt (remnants from my last assignment that I haven't gotten around to disposing of yet).

Last night I had dinner with some ex-pat Taswegians, one of whom asked me if I am really as excited in real life as I sound in my emails. My answer?


Ahem.... :-)
I then proceeded to earbash him for the next half hour or so about exactly how excited I am and what excites me, especially the elements of my systematic theology class that have caused me the greatest excitement this semester.... ahhh bliss (I think he may have regretted the question :-)

Well, I think I need to start thinking about doing some packing... all those boxes are looking at me in an accusatory fashion.. feeling neglected, I think. (But first, an important errand needs to be completed- a visit to Lygon St to collect a CD of Sibelius symphonies recommended to me by a friend (and let's face it, when someone goes to the trouble to phone you from the USA and plays music at you over said phoneline, with the exhortation of "you MUST get this symphony, it's fantastic!" what is a girl to do?)

(Thanks Kynan :-)

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