Monday, September 24, 2007

A hot time in Hobart

I was rather distressed to hear of the massive fire in the Hobart CBD over the weekend, centring on the Myer store in Liverpool St. Given the way in which the Myer city store is connected with other shops and the whole Cat & Fiddle Arcade, it's a miracle that the fire brigade were able to contain the fire pretty much to only the Myer building, with minimal damage to the surrounding shops.

Unfortunately for Myer (and the Heritage factor of Hobart's CBD), the beautiful Heritage façade fronting onto Liverpool St has been totally destroyed, along with all of Myer's stock and internal structure of the store.

This photo was taken by a Hobart guy, Ian Stewart, who I don't know personally, but have seen a fair bit of his work zooming around the intenet. (He also took some amazing photos of fork lightning during a wild electrical storm over Hobart a couple of years ago, and of the bushfires on Hobart's Eastern Shore a year or so ago). His online photo gallery contains more pics of the Myer fire, (and lots of other stuff) and is here
(don't be put off by the ad for the site which will probably come up first, just click the link at the top which says something like: "through to deviantART")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, this was really sad.