Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hobart here I come!

I've been thinking for a while now that it would be nice to get back to Hobart for a visit. It seems that on my last couple of trips to the South Island, I have only managed to get as far south as Launceston or Poatina, so it's high time to make it 'home' to catch up with some Hobart folk.

I was thinking about Hobart this morning, as I had coffee with my faculty advisor, and he told me of his recent trip down there, and then tonight I had an email from a friend in my home congregation at Sandy Bay, so as 'there's no time like the present', I jumped on the net and booked a trip down there for the mid-semester break. (Gotta love Virgin's Velocity program, I was able to redeem points to pay for the flights, so that I only paid the taxes, amounting to a total of about $90 for the return trip :-)

So, Hobartians, you can expect me in your vicinity from Saturday 15th March until Friday 21st March.

Those of you who are liturgically aware will realise that this means I will have the best of both worlds, in being able to enjoy Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday in Hobart, worshipping at Sandy Bay, and Easter Day itself back in Melbourne, worshipping at Brunswick.

Woo-hoo! Can't wait! :-)

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