Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Warning: I feel a Julie Andrews moment coming on

The hills are alive with the sound of music!
(ahh- ah-ah-aaahhhh ;-)

As I have been driving around the countryside these past few days, I have so felt like breaking out into song as the beauty of my locale has overwhelmed me.

Driving home to Myrtleford after worship in Yackandandah on Sunday morning was an especially fine treat. The rolling hills around the place have all greened up with a lovely lush carpet of grass after the rain we had around ANZAC Day, and driving on a sunny day, with the small, green hills in the foreground, and the bigger, balder mountains in the background, with the sun hitting at just the right angle to make the mountain backdrop almost gleam, is just too much.

I initially kicked myself that I didn't have a camera to capture the view, but then remembered from past experience, that such scenery is best appreciated in person, as photographs always seem unable to capture that special sparkle that makes it so breathtaking.

So, I am continually thankful that I don't need a camera to capture the views, because I live and work in this funky scenery all the time!


Margo said...

So that was the noise I heard on Sunday! :)

Glad you find our little part of the world so inspiring.

Caro said...

Thanks Margo. Yes, I love it here, and it just seems to keep getting better (mind you, I may complain when it gets REALLY cold in winter, but till then... :-)

Anonymous said...

My hills are looking pretty damn beautiful at the moment too - the autumn colours around here are amazingly vivid and vibrant.