Saturday, February 02, 2008

Getting back to normal... whatever THAT is!

I am very conscious of the fact that it's almost a month since my last blog entry, and Beloved Readers, you may have given up on me due to the lack of action on this site.

Well, the good news is that my CPE placement at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre officially finished today. It was an amazing 11 weeks, which seemed to scream past much too rapidly. It wasn't always easy, but I loved every minute of it, and will talk about some of my experiences in more detail later (when it's not so late, if you get my drift)

I now have three weeks until classes start for 2008. During the next fortnight I have a few paid locum shifts at Peter Mac, to help keep the pastoral care happening there until the new group of CPE participants starts, but apart from that am planning to have a bit of a break (who knows, I might even get to a movie at the Nova!)

Well, it's late, and I need to go to bed, but promise to write more soon!

So, gentle readers, rejoice, for the drought will soon be over (and you will be drowned in my verbosity once again! :-)


Anonymous said...

That's good news - I'm looking forward to it (once you have finished your essays!).

BB said...

mmmmm, yes, well, I'm sure that "normal" won't be so bad, given the summer my Dearly Beloved and I have had!

Hey, Lauren - come back to Facebook, we wiss you! ;0)

BB said...

um, that was meant to be "miss" you, Lauren...d'oh!