Monday, June 09, 2008

I have a feeling in my waters

.... that the possums will be on the prowl tonight.

They have been very quiet for the past week or two (ever since the last one landed in my bathroom at 3am one Friday morning) but I have heard a few gentle scritching noises in my ceiling cavity (and it's only 6pm- very early in the night by possum standards), and a thump or two on the roof... so I am girding my loins for a possible visitation tonight.

I guess one advantage is that if they do come and make a racket, they will be unlikely to disrupt my sleep, as tomorrow is my first exam, and I'm expecting to be up fairly late working on last minute preparation tonight....

*sigh* this student gig and its ritual stress and sleep deprivation thing is not as easy to cope with as it was when I were a yoong lass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're younger than me mate!
Good luck with the exam and with your furry friends -