Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm in lerv...

... with a younger man!
Quite significantly younger, in fact... Nafatali Christiaan Brown-Nafatali came into the world on Friday 27th October, so that makes him all of 10 days old (give or take a few hours). He is the newest resident of Bucknall Court, the theological college community of units where I live (and is the 5th child of one of my fellow ministerial candidate, Samasoni, and his wife Epa).

Today, in a break between studying for tomorrow's Mark exam and groping for some words of wisdom to write in my Theological Issues take home exam paper, I popped in next door to pay my first visit to the new arrival (of course, I would normally have been over much sooner, except I've had a bit of a cold this past week, which I didn't want to share).

He is SO CUTE!! He was sleeping when I arrived, but Epa passed him over to me to nurse, and he snuggled in, wriggled around a bit, and after a while opened his eyes and gave me a couple of big smiles (and yes, I know, all child development gurus will say kids can't really smile at that age, but hey, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :-)

He also managed to fill his nappy whilst I was holding him (lots of interesting faces pulled in the process of that, too), and I generously allowed his mother to deal with that.

Update-13 Nov: I now have a photo, so you can see for yourself just how gorgeous he is (note that he is already practising his royal wave to his adoring fans! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm very, very envious. I want to meet Nafatali Christian Nafatali! What is he going to be known as, by the way - Nafatali or Christian or something else entirely? Give Epa and Samisoni my love and congratulations, and stick a photo on the web as soon as possible, please. And bonne chance with all the assessment. I'm thinking of you all.