Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Fine Line between Pleasure and Pain

For some time now (in fact, ever since moving to Brunswick), I have been eyeing off the Chinese massage place in Barkly Square (my local shopping centre). I've noticed in the past few months that my back and neck have been a tad tight, and so have thought that a massage might help.

Anyway, to celebrate a year of being open, the Chinese massage place currently has a special deal of either a neck or shoulder massage for only $5... so yesterday, as I was doing some shopping (displacement task from doing study) I noticed that the massage place didn't seem to be busy, so I fronted up and asked for a shoulder massage.

Well... I have to say that I was glad it only went for about 5 minutes, as I think I well and truly passed my pain threshold, and probably couldn't have endured much more at the time. However, as the woman dug her fingers, thumbs, elbow and flat part of her forearm into various parts of my shoulder and upper back muscles, I could feel the knots starting to unravel...

So now, even though my shoulders still feel quite sore to the touch, there is also an exhilarating feeling of looseness (yes, I know, I'll say it, "I am a loose woman, har har" - because I know you're thinking it :-) and all afternoon and evening yesterday, I could feel my spine popping and crackling, as the tension in the muscles had been relieved, and my spine could readjust itself.

I'm thinking that I might return, for a full back massage, after all of my exams and assignments are done, as a "treat" to help me relax after finishing (followed, of course, by a hot bubble bath, complete with wine and a good book, to complete the whole relaxation experience)

I wonder if I could convince the Synod's Ministerial Entitlements committee to include mandatory regular massages in the standard terms of placement for ministers? (although I suspect I have about as much hope of this wish coming true as my fellow-candidate, Martin, has of getting his own wish for the Uniting Church to have Bishops... oh well, we can dream :-)


Anonymous said...

I am very up for Ministerial Entitlements including massages - they should also include a chocolate allowance (now that I'm becoming spoilt, maybe a Swiss chocolate allowance). And I think I'll join Martin in wanting bishops - they have such funky outfits and I look good in purple.

Caro said...

Yes, well at the recent church camp, I was told by a number of people that they thought I was set to become the first UCA bishop... after seeing me stagger past the dining hall to the shower block in my purple PJs on the Sunday morning (which apparently provided great entertainment for the breakfasting masses)