Friday, January 05, 2007

Ministry in the Wild West

Well, here I am, finally, on the West Coast of Tasmania.

I think it's somewhat ironic that after living in Tasmania for 17 years, I never visited the West Coast, and finally get here now that I am living in Melbourne... It really is a case of:

Work for the church and see the world!

I am here in Queenstown for just under a fortnight; 2 Sundays, to lead worship in the local Uniting Church, and a service in the local hospital, and possibly some pastoral visiting and run an activity for the young people of the small congregation here.

It's currently Friday night, and I am feeling somewhat uninspired about Sunday's sermon hasn't quite come together yet (you know how sometimes one or more of the week's lectionary readings will just jump out at you and the 'good news' to form the basis of a sermon will be so blatantly obvious? Well, this isn't one of those times)

I think that holidays should be outlawed- before I took a break between Christmas and New Year, I was definitely on a roll, and my motivation and inspiration levels were high. Since returning from my break, I have been struggling a bit with both of these, and so suspect that this Sunday's worship, at least will be largely perspiration from me (and hopefully some intervention from the Holy Spirit)

I suppose this is one of the realities of being in full time ministry- pushing through the times when things get hard and inspiration is elusive. ... another learning experience from my placement in the pragmatics of ministry.

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