Tuesday, May 15, 2007

it's raining again

As the news tonight bemoaned the fact that Melbourne has just completed its driest year on record, I sit here listening to the rain falling steadily and reasonably heavily on my roof.

What a sweet sound!

And no points for guessing why it is raining today- yes, you're right, I put a load of washing out on my line this morning. I know I have commented on this in my blog before... but I really think this might be a special gift... and I should offer to keep a line full of washing permanently- at least until the Victorian reservoirs are filled to a more healthy level than they are now.


BB said...

I definitely think you're on to something here, Caro - keep up the good work!

Caro said...

yes... and I was thinking this morning "must get that washing in before it rains again"

... too late! :-)