Monday, November 05, 2012

If that's Monday morning, I've had it.

Phew! A productively busy, busy, busy morning here at Chez Field.

The lovely lawnmowing man came this morning and so our back yard is looking very spiffy. The stamp of approval of the lovely lawn was given by a pair of water dragons, who came out to frolic on the grass for a bit. When the bigger one saw me watching, he dove into the nasturtiums, and then scrambled up the bottle brush tree, whilst his mate watched him.

All this activity was observed as I was back and forth from the laundry; first to put a load of towels etc into the washing machine, and then back into the bathroom with Ajax and a long handled scrubbing brush to scrub out the shower recess. (For some reason, even though I've asked our cleaner to scrub out the shower, she never seems to do it, and the tiles get a bit slippery underfoot. Whilst Mum now uses a shower chair, we are both a bit paranoid about the possibility of me slipping in the shower, because if I go down and break a leg or something, Mum will be really stuffed. So a good scrub was given).

Then I attacked Mum's bedroom, and stripped the bed, remade it with fresh sheets (a challenge at the best of times, but even moreso now with the mobility aid bar attached to the bed), and now the first load of washing is out, and the sheets are on. My bed can wait for another day.

All in all, I seem to have worked up quite a sweat... very uncharacteristic for a Monday, which is usually my 'day off', and I'd often still be abed at this time of the morning. So now, time to sit down (or more accurately, flop) and put my mind to the Sudoku in yesterday's paper.

Mum is having a pretty good day so far. After a bit of back pain this morning, she is now pain free, enjoyed a substantial (for her) breakfast, and her innards seem to be working well. So the next step is to think about what I can tempt her with for lunch. It never stops, really.

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