Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Census night

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Howardus that all the world should be taxed.

(with apologies to St. Luke)

Last night was Census Night 2006 for all of Australia. Being currently laid slightly low with a dreaded lurgi (which is why I am currently here at home on my computer, rather than at my usual Wed morning Hebrew class) the occasion passed without any great hooplah for me.

When the ABS person delivered my census form last week, I had grandiose ideas of working hard to skew statistics by inviting the whole Sydney Swans football team to come and spend the night (just for the pure pleasure of having to ask for 15 more census forms to fit in all their details, you understand! :-)

Alas, no such perverse skewing of statistics eventuated. I spent the evening at home, alone, knitting (because my brain has been leaking out of my nostrils to such an extent that I just can't take in anything I read) before going to bed with a hot toddy* (as opposed the the black hottie I mentioned in an earlier blog entry)

* my current preferred recipe for said toddy involved:
1 sachet Lemsip, made up with boiling water
1 generous slug of Johnnie Walker
1 dollop of honey

It worked for me, I slept like a..... well, like a well-sedated sleeping person.


BB said...


I liked the reworking of St Luke...very clever!

Your recipe for hot toddie (I won't even mention the black hottie!) needs improving...surely you can do better than Johnnie Walker!! I know it may sound like a waste to use top shelf stuff, but if you're going to drink whiskey (and the medicinal use of whiskey is perfectly appropriate), then surely at least Glenfiddich is mandatory...


Caro said...

Thanks for your comment, BB.

Unfortunately, as an impoverished student, Johnny Walker was all that I had in the cupboard.

However, I am not proud (in fact some have called me utterly shameless, and in possession of "more front than Myer"), and would happily accept charity from a well-meaning, wage-earning friend, who felt the need to provide me with some Glenfiddich to keep on hand for future medicinal emergencies.

BB said...


Well-meaning I may be, but wage earning I aint - not on two days work a week!


Caro said...

Oh well ... can't blame a girl for trying! ;-)