Sunday, February 18, 2007

hot... Hot... HOT!!!

... and I don't mean in a good way (like, "that green chicken curry was hot," or, "Jamie Durie will win Dancing with the Stars because he is hot")

As I sit in my upstairs study, with the blinds down to keep the heat out, and the overhead fan on the landing going full belt, the thermometer reads 36C.

I am sweating.

My wrists are sliding along the wrist-rest of my keyboard and leaving slimy patches when I lift my hands to wipe the sweat off my face.

I have been having trouble sleeping because of the heat, but last night was worse than the previous couple, as one of the residents of the house next door decided he was unhappy about something... and expressed that unhappiness in no uncertain terms... very loudly and with much profanity... at about 4am... for about half an hour.

Not... happy... Jan !

Hopefully, he will cool down (and the weather will too) so we can all get some sleep tonight.

1 comment:

Caro said...

Thanks... and yes, the cool change (and some rain! :-) has arrived, gut it is still over 30C in the upstairs section of my flat.. which is why I am blogging at this hour of the night, and not sleeping.