Monday, July 24, 2006

Just call me 'tragic'

I was having a conversation with a friend about a fortnight ago to try to arrange a night to have him and his family around for dinner. Because he and his wife have young children, he suggested a Saturday night would suit them best. He then told me that they were booked up until sometime in mid-August.

Fair enough, I thought, and got out my diary to suggest dates when I would be free, and that he could consider... as I looked in my diary for the months of August and September, I noted that I was free for 3 out of the 4 Saturday nights in each month.

If I were say, 10-20 years younger, I would slap myself around and tell myself to get a life... but as it is, I am quite content to sit at home on Saturday nights, in front of the nice gas fire, with a strong mug of coffee... (and after all, Dr Who is on TV on Sat nights now!)

1 comment:

Caro said...

Yes, but you have a family, and some(tragically deluded though they may be would call that a valid substitute for a life.