Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tragic humour that made me laugh

Last night, I happened to catch a bit of Rove Live on TV (I know, talk about True Confessions, but you already knew that I am a junk TV tragic, didn't you? :-)

Anyway, there was a comedian called Akmal, who was talking about a time when he lived for some months in Jerusalem. He said that "The Holy City" was largely a huge marketplace, where vendors of different curiosities worked very hard (and often aggressively) to sell their wares. He said that in the "Christian Quarter" of Jerusalem, the markets were packed with all kinds of what I would call "Jesus Junk"... all manner of gimmicky items, bearing either the shape of, or a picture of, Jesus.

Akmal commented that one day he was in a mischievous mood, and decided to give one of the vendors a hard time, so went into a shop and asked the vendor if he had something, in the shape of Jesus' head, that was a juicer, that he could use to squeeze the juice from an orange.

He said the shop vendor thought for a minute, and sadly told him that he did not have such an item in his store... "but I can see that there could be a market for something like that.... and we could call it THE KING OF THE JUICE!"

I know it's tragic, but I just HAD to laugh.

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