Thursday, April 12, 2007

Cooking with gas... and a new toy!

A month or so ago, perpetual consumer and rabid foodie that I am, I went to a friend's home demonstration for The Chef's Toolbox. Now I had never heard of this direct selling/party plan company, so was curious (and of course, because they sell cooking utensils and equipment, how could I resist? :-)

I ended up buying a few things ("gee, what a surprise!" I hear you say) and among them was this gorgeous, heavy-based sautee pan (and is all metal, so it can go into the oven, lid and all! and... and... and... you can cook pizza in it on the stovetop, because the lid seals and makes it like an oven inside!)

I used it for the first time last night, and I have to say that it is a dream to use... fantastic non-stick surface, and the base is large enough that it copes with the weirdness of my best gas jet on the stove (which usually goes too far and heats up the sides as well as the base of most of my other pans)

Great to use, easy to clean... *sigh* I'm in foodie heaven :-)
Now I can't wait to get all my assignments in, so I can start cooking again for my usual culinary guinea pigs, who have been a tad neglected of late.

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